About Me

Spaceman is an avid Manchester United Fan and also hates the Glazers, he is interested in WWII, Aircraft and Global Warming.

21 August 2011

This blog is revived...

Now that my exams are over, I have more time to concentrate on leisure. Since my last post, many new technologies has been invented, but is technology under our control? Or is it that we are chasing technology? Which is which? This advance in technology is unprecedented. It has been estimated that by 2050, a $1000 computer will have better processing capabilities than the ENTIRE human species. Isn't this already a sign that technology is getting out of hand? We are dependent on technology for our everyday lives. When you need to talk to a friend, what will you use? A phone! When you need to find out about something, what do you do? Google it! Hence without technology, the progress of the whole of humanity will collapse. Without technology, every thing we do is more tedious or almost impossible. Imagine designing or making a smartphone with medieval tools! It will obviously be impossible.

Please come back regularly for more posts!

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